[Translate to Englisch:] Portraitfoto Prof. Robert Hube, lächelnd, Arzt der OCM Orthopädische Chirurgie München

Prof. Dr. med. Robert Hube

Senior Physician
Specialization: Hip, Knee

  • Specialist for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
  • Special Orthopedic Surgery

Specialist for Endoprosthetics on Hips and Knees

With more than 1,000 hip and knee operations each year, Prof. Dr. med. Robert Hube is one of Germany’s most experienced endoprosthetic experts. He ensures that patients can face their joint replacement without fear thanks to minimally invasive and tissue-conserving surgical procedures, optimized pain management and modern after-care concepts.

A high standard of quality in the treatment of patients is of particular concern to Prof. Hube as well as the entire endoprosthetics team at the OCM. This is why the OCM undergoes an audit by the independent EndoCert GmbH every year.



operations p.a.


hip endoprosthetics


knee endoprosthetics

Procedures offered

  • Minimally invasive hip joint endoprosthetics
  • Minimally invasive knee joint endoprosthetics
  • Revision endoprosthetics
  • Treatment of infection in hip and knee joint endoprosthetics
  • Corrective osteotomies


Certified Knee Surgeon

endoCert logo 2022 quer

EndoCert Senior Main Surgeon

Focus Top Mediziner Siegel 2024 Hüftchirurgie Prof. Dr. Robert Hube, goldfarbenes Siegel mit weißer und schwarzer Schrift

Focus Top Mediziner Siegel 2024 Kniechirurgie Prof. Dr. Robert Hube, goldfarbenes Siegel mit weißer und schwarzer Schrift